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Articles by Various Authors

Easy to read articles by many authors.

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# Article Title Hits
201 Benefits of High Cholesterol 2558
202 Calcium Increases Heart Attack Risk 1295
203 MS and Poor Circulation Link 8607
204 Catch ADHD, OCD, Depression from strep throat? 7926
205 Statins such as Lipitor are overstated 4838
206 Fungal Arthritis Treated with Fluconazole 2236
207 Minocycline Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis 3172
208 Fructose is Fruit Sugar 2302
209 Fructose May Accelerate Aging 2703
210 C-reactive protein and chronic Chlamydia pneumoniae infection 9153
211 Pork's Dirty Secret 4883
212 Herx Reaction 2925
213 What is Herx? 2335
214 Fructose Information 2326
215 Immunoglobulins Info 1620
216 Lettuce, Leafy Greens, and E. Coli 2245
217 Medical use of castor oil 1845
218 Health Canada Advisory: Statins 2885
219 Soy - Tofu Shrinks Brain 2477
220 Calcium Supplements 2580
221 Soy - Kidney Stones. 2277
222 Eating and touching Bananas associated with Cancer 20964
223 Minocycline for Rheumatoid Arthritis 2225
224 Bacteria cause heart attacks? 2837
225 Antibiotics fight Migraines 4089
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